

Nick Ljungdahl
Magnus Rudling
Nimi Malje
Anders Bladh
Simon Fridh
Isabella Gottberg
Thomas Larsson
Phone 0768 48 73 38
Carita Johansson

Board - Deputy


Christer Wessberg
Phone 0700 51 85 51
Jesper Ek
Phone 0722 776 737
Thomas Larsson
Phone 0768 48 73 38

Member responsible

3 pcs. Membership manager is elected through continuous personal choice. They are traded at the beginning of each quarter, a maximum of one can be replaced per occasion.

Access: Handover from the outgoing to the incoming elected representative must take place within 14 days. The Board is responsible for the new Member Manager signing the Privacy Statement before taking office. All Members must sign the privacy statement to comply with the GDPR. The confidentiality declaration shall be issued and archived by the Board. If a Member Manager wants to leave the position, the next person on the list in the continuous election is asked (by the Member Manager).


Thimmy Bågfelt
Magnus Gustavsson

Debate and conversation rules in DD - forums and at meetings

The rules are to avoid this:

  • Posts that violate Swedish law.
  • eye or slander.
  • threats or harassment.
  • swearing or obscene words.
  • nonsense posts, or posts that deviate sharply from the subject.
  • personal attacks or defamatory posts.
  • Commercial message.
  • calls for crime.
  • unauthorized publication of copyrighted material.
  • Links to sites with the above content.
  • Irony/sarcasm/ryalans etc.

Rule keeper

Jesper Ek
Phone 0722 776 737

Keep information about the party's organization updated and available on the party's website, which includes:

  • statutes.
  • regulations.
  • board and positions of trust, with job descriptions and who holds the positions.
  • Links to decisions as a basis for the information.

Veto right against decisions that are contrary to applicable laws, statutes or regulations, in accordance with the principle of generality (decisions of lower value may not contravene the provision of higher value), and against statute decisions that are contrary to applicable statutes according to the principle of health (There may be no contradictions between applicable paragraphs of the Statutes).

The right to reformulate decided changes to regulations and job descriptions, without changing the meaning of what has been decided, so that these are as clear and distinct as possible, including removing old parts of regulations and job descriptions that are contradicted by new decisions.

The rule nurse is elected through continuous personnel selection with free candidacy and must be 3 in number. The item is sold at the end of each month.

Electoral Officer

Jesper Ek
Phone 0722 776 737

Three Electoral Officers are elected through continuous personnel selection and are sold at each new quarter. A maximum of one can be replaced per occasion (in the event of voluntary resignation, the resigning Electoral Officer will be replaced by the next in turn according to the current position in the personal election).

Social media
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Linkedin
  • Mail
  • Copy
Version 1.26.10